Mivkah Moishe Zvi is a beautifully appointed mikvah located
just off of Penn's campus in Spruce Hill, West Philadelpia.
Open to students, staff, West Philadelphia residents and visitors.
For Men:
Mikvah Moishe Zvi is conveniently accessible via a combination lock so visitors can let themselves in on their own schedule.
Towels, soap and shampoo are supplied.
Mikvah Dues:
Weekday $2
Erev Shabbos/Yom Tov $3
Shabbos/Yom Tov $3
Erev Yom Kippur $18
Annual Membership $180
Student Membership $100
Payments can be left in the box at the mikvah
or made via
Paypal: rabbi@pobox.upenn.edu
Venmo: @Mikvah-MZ
To gain access to the mikvah please call or text:
Rabbi Levi 267.738.8995
For Women:
Mikvah Moishe Zvi is kosher for women and open to married women by appointment only. A thorough cleaning and filtering process is gone through before every woman’s appointment.
The cost is $18 and 48 hours notice is required*.
Payment for women's mikvah can be left in box or
via Paypal: Nechama@LubavitchHouse.com
Venmo: @Mikvah-MZ
To make an apppointment please call or text:
Nechama 267.496.1990
*Exceptions can be made for unexpected circumstances.


For information or access
Rabbi Levi Haskelevich: rabbi@pobox.upenn.edu 267.738.8995
For women information or appointment
Nechama Haskelevich: Nechama@LubavitchHouse.com 267.496.1990
Mikvah Moishe Zvi is dedicated in loving memory of
Professor Harry Reicher, reb Moishe Zvi ben reb Dov a'h,
a beloved professor at Penn Law School and askan on behalf of
Jewish communities around the world.